Ecycling to Protect Your Data!

The only thing you can do to truly delete old data is to have Ecycling experts handle it!

Never in history has so much information been produced. The world is probably producing more information every second than it did in the entire 19th century! With so much data that includes everything from your holiday photos to your social security number to every email you and everyone else on Earth has ever written – some of it goes missing. We have all heard of the people who leave laptops and memory sticks containing our personal details on trains or in taxis. But what few people realize is just how easy it is to get deleted data from old computers. You’ll find out soon why Ecycling is so important and why your should call Ecycle pros before you throw out your old electronics. Unfortunately, if you don’t Ecycle, a growing number of criminals realize this, and an illicit industry called cyber fraud has exploited the ‘mining’ of data, such as banking passwords and credit card numbers, addresses and details from people’s CVs in discarded computers. These details are then sold on the dark web to people who can make use of them. People go to auctions, buy cheap second-hand PC, snag the hard-drive and send valuable data to criminals. A consumer protection magazine recently reported that it managed to recover 22,000 ‘deleted’ files from eight computers it bought online! One unfortunate seller was emailed by a hacker in Latvia who had got a hold of his old hard-drive, and had obtained his bank and mortgage details. He emailed a personal photograph contained on the disk as proof and tried to extort the seller for money. Deleting your old files isn’t enough! Ecycling is the only safe way to keep your confidential information safe.As we trust our computers more and more, criminals are having a field day with those who don’t Ecycle. Think, your average PC hard disk drive can store an extraordinary 200 gigabytes of data. That means you can store millions of photos, libraries of books, movies, and endless music tracks. Not to mention, thousands of “private” emails and passwords. Most people assume that if you delete a file from your computer’s memory and then empty the ‘wastebasket’ that is on your desktop (and maybe run a ‘disk clean-up’ for good measure), the file is gone for good without Ecycling. When you just delete your sensitive information and throw it out instead of Ecycling, the hard-drive and be recovered if a hacker runs a few easily accessible scripts that reconstructs your file structure and reloads the hard-drive’s index. All that happens when you delete is the index getting erased! ECYCLE! Thousands of machines are discarded without any attempt made to REALLY delete the files on them. The information on these computers is completely unprotected from anyone who gets hold of the machine. If you don’t have an Ecycling professional securely dispose of your electronics, you’ll be at risk of identity theft. securely dispose of your electronics, you’ll be at risk of identity theft.

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